Here’s a unique repair solution:
Sam from Lakeside bikes brought in this Time cyclocross bike. TIME uses a seat mast system with a 27.8 diameter mini-post coming out of an extended seat tube. Problem was, the post was a little short for Sam. Left with no options for a slightly-longer-than-stock-but-still-mini 27.8 seatpost, Sam just ran it, knowing that it was extended a little dangerously. Until THIS happened:
Sam brought the frame over to us to repair the broken half-mast and restore it back to original. His plan was to just continue running the same too-short 27.8 nubbin post and live unhappily ever after. But we had different ideas. Cheaper ideas. More standard-seat-tube-sized ideas. We proposed an innovative solution to get Sam’s Time “with the times” so to speak. We decided to cut off the damaged area and resize the tube for the most common seatpost size known to man: 27.2mm. That way Sam could run whatever seatpost he wanted. Problem solved! We cut about 3/4″ off the seat tube to remove all the damaged area.
Siyonara, sucker!
We slotted the seat tube for the seat post clamp.
We filament wound our own fiberglass sleeves in-house to resize the frame for a 27.2mm diameter.
We prepped the frame.
And glued ‘er in.
And the final product. Sam can now happily ride his favorite Thomson 27.2 seatpost instead of being limited. When we do repairs we like to take it a step further and figure out unique solutions for each scenario.