Handlebars: completely necessary to the safe operation of a bicycle, yet frequently the bane of a frame’s existence. This carbon fiber Cervelo P2 arrived at Ruckus for repair after the dreaded handlebar strike. A simple crash that usually results in massive damage, the handlebar strike occurs when the bars rip into the toptube, usually resulting in splintering, swearing and things of the like. Toptubes are becoming thinner and lighter due to manufacturers desire for gram reduction in frame construction, and therefore are one our mos common repair requests. So, with much wet sanding to remove the damage propagation and heavy casting procedures to recreate the tube shape, we were able to save yet another frame from the landfill graves. That speckled grey color was pretty tough to paint match as well! Are you a victim of handlebar strike? get in touch with us, we’ll mend you back together again.